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All of our tempered glass is manufactured WITHOUT a Tempered tag, If your require a Tempered tag, please check the box. Click here for more information on tempered tags.

Frosted Elliptical Oval Tempered Glass

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Cutting tolerance is 1/8"

W: In. Frac.
H: In. Frac.


How do I know if I need edgework? What is a seamed edge?

A seamed edge is not a decorative edge. A seamed edge has been lightly sanded in order to eliminate any sharp edges or burrs making it safe to handle. A seamed edge is most often used in applications where the edges are being laid into a table top frame or slid into a channel. We exceed all industry standards. In a seamed edge, slight flaring and chipping may occur. This is normal.

If you are ordering this glass for a table top, coffee table or any application where the edge will be seen, we highly recommend you choose one of our more decorative edges.


We've got the equipment in place to fabricate each and every Frosted Oval Tempered Glass to your exact specifications, allowing you to rest assured that your replacement piece will fit perfectly the first time. Gone are the days of buying and hoping that it fits, only to find that it’s off by an inch, or even worse, doesn't fit at all.

Sometimes a replacement Frosted Oval Tempered Glass is needed. It’s never wanted, but that doesn't stop it from happening. When that time comes, we’ll be here to make getting things back to normal as simple and stress free as possible.

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